Saturday 19 January 2013

Do you know a child who has cancer?

If the answer is yes, then why not nominate them for a Cancer Research Little Star award?

Why not give children with cancer something to smile about, and perhaps let them forget about the pain they are going through.

All you need to do is nominate a child with cancer through, there is no selection process, so any child that is nominated receives the award. There’s no catch, you don’t need to raise money, and we won’t be asking you for money, so really all you are doing is making a child out there feel special.

Award details

Little Star awards recognise the courage of children diagnosed with cancer. Every child nominated for a Little Star award receives:

  • A trophy
  • A t-shirt
  • A £50 voucher to spend in TK Maxx
  • A certificate signed by celebrities (including JLS, Mo Farah and England Captain Steven Gerrard, Leona Lewis, Ashley Young, Joe Hart), and an official JLS full colour tour programme.

The siblings of the nominated child also receive a certificate. 

How it works

Parents, friends, colleagues and relatives from across the UK can put forward the name of a Little Star who is dear to them for special recognition. As mentioned above there isn’t any money involved, and parents don’t have to raise any sponsorship for Cancer Research UK.

Also there is no selection process, or even hint of a competition, it is open for all children that meet the following criteria:

1.              Under 18 years of age and live in the UK.
2.             Haven’t received a Little Star Award before.
3.             Have been diagnosed in the past 5 years.

Then they become a Little Star.  That’s all there is to it.

For more information and to nominate a child, please visit

At the same time, if your company or the organisation you work for would be interested in publicising the Little Star awards to as many employees as possible, and it would be really great if your company can be a part of it.  As mentioned above, there is no selection process, so any child that is nominated receives the award, and there is no money involved, we are not asking for money, just a way in to spread this fantastic scheme from Cancer Research UK.  Please do get in touch with us at for further information and contact details.

I'm just saying...

#littlestarawards #cancerresearchuk #CR_UK #kidswithcancer #children

(All thoughts and opinions expressed here are based purely on our own views, we have not been paid to write about what we write, whether it be on products, services, websites and various other topics.)


  1. ��well done, good cause, this would make children very special like a ��

  2. Great work J,
    This is the true joy in life, doing something worthwhile,
    that gives you purpose and meaning.
    I love you.
