Friday 21 December 2012

Charity begins at Christmas...

Are we all still here? Any natural disasters happen today? Did the world end today?…In that case let’s all look forward to Christmas, isn’t that next on everyone’s agenda?

Kids will now be on holiday till the New Year, all presents brought? Wrapped and hidden till Christmas day? All Christmas cards sent? (if not, you’ve missed the last posting dates now), decorated the tree, the house?, food?, drinks?, decided on who is going to who’s house? Not exactly a stress-free period, right?

Spare a thought for those who might have to work during the Christmas and New Year period, and won’t be able to spend the festive season with their loved ones, won’t be able to see the joyful delight on their child’s face as they open their presents, but instead be at work, possibly in a half empty work environment.

Now spare a thought for those less fortunate, those who perhaps have been told just before starting their Christmas holidays that they no longer have a job, those who can’t afford Christmas, can’t buy presents, can’t buy special things to eat, and those who don’t have homes to live in or parents who have to hide their children’s own toys, so that they can wrap them up and give them as presents on Christmas day. There are a lot of people out there who wish literally to have a merry Christmas.

If you know of someone who is alone at Christmas, an elderly neighbour, perhaps, even something as simple as a Christmas card will let them know someone out there is thinking of them. For those less fortunate than us, there are a lot of charity organisations, especially around this time of the year who go that extra mile to ensure that everyone has a Christmas, whether it be somewhere to sleep for the night, someone to talk to or even simply a hot meal. But they can't do it all by themselves, if you can spare the time - volunteer or if you can spare a few pounds, whilst everyone is feeling the pinch, may be that extra pint at the pub or that manicure can be skipped, then why not make a difference to someone else's Christmas, it might not mean much to you, but it will make someone out there know there are people who care, even if it is from the kindness of strangers.

Listed below are a few charity organisations who are doing their bit during this festive season, more can be found on the Internet, perhaps there is a charity you support who would appreciate some help

I'm just saying...

(All thoughts and opinions expressed here are based purely on our own views, we have not been paid to write about what we write, whether it be on products, services, websites and various other topics.)

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