Wednesday 21 November 2012

What do you do with your used postage stamps – Can you help?

All it takes are your used postage stamps for a charitable cause.

A good friend of mine is hoping to collect many used postage stamps and give them to a charity called Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research (LLR).

LLR funds research into Leukaemia and Lymphoma. This research is then shared with health authorities around the world, and helps shape the standard treatment for all patients across the globe.  LLR pays for some of the research by selling these used postage stamps to collectors, overseas stamps are worth more, and this is where you come in, it doesn’t cost you anything, apart from possibly the cost of stamp(s) to send your used postage stamps and even that will be given to LLR.

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research’s life-saving research is focused on finding causes, improving diagnosis and treatments, and running groundbreaking clinical trials for all blood cancer patients. LLR first started research into blood cancers in 1960. LLR are now leaders in our field and patients are benefiting from our ground-breaking research today and in the future.

Your support means they can continue their life-saving work - 

All it takes are your used postage stamps...I’m just saying.

p/s If you are interested in helping out to such a worthy cause which doesn’t take up much of your time or require you to dig deep into your pockets, send me a private message and I’ll provide you with the details as to where to send your stamps – Thank You.

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