Tuesday 20 November 2012

Is the Female of the Species is truly more deadly than the male?

Nature has tried to tell us....even Space’s Tommy Scott tried to tell us as recently as 1996. So how could it take so long for us to realise this simple truism? We see and hear evidence of this every day....Black Widow Spiders, Spotted Hyenas...even Lions to some degree. I even recall that as an adolescent boy, I always heard the phrase “...hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...” Yet it was not until recently that the full gravity of what I have been told finally hit home.
Women, I put it to you at this point, how many times have you seen a pregnant woman board a train or a bus and watch in amazement as none of the seated gentlemen move to offer her a seat? I bet you have even asked yourself, where has the chivalry gone? Did they not have a mother... a wife or a girlfriend?
How scary is it then that I too have recently observed, on multiple occasions, a heavily pregnant woman board a busy train and as you can probably imagine not a single seat was offered despite her obvious discomfort. Yet to my amazement, as I scanned the faces of all those who attempted to obscure their vision with a glossy novel or the morning newspaper, that 60% of those seated were indeed WOMEN!!!
Surely a woman would empathise with the plight of a pregnant lady and the discomfort she endures right? Wrong!!!
Now please do not misunderstand me, as a man, I was also disappointed at the men who neglected to offer a seat and was happy that someone eventually did. However, I have to admit that I was amazed that the person in question was a man, not to mention my surprise at the subsequent looks of contentment etched on the faces of some of the women who had kept their seat.
I began to observe the behaviour of women towards other women on the morning train into work, especially those that are pregnant, at which time it became apparent that this was not simply an isolated incident.
I have seen the looks of indignation on the faces of those women having pushed their way onto the carriage to claim the last remaining seat in a scene which bears stark comparison to stampeding cattle in an old cowboy film. I have seen women race a pregnant woman for a seat to only offer it to her once she has felt the scathing looks which have been cast her way but disapproving fellow commuters.
Empathy appears to be a luxury of the past as society have adopted a mantra proclaiming the survival of the fittest which is displayed in all its glory as we commute to work each morning. Sympathy appears to be reserved for those on crutches with a cast encasing an injured limb as opposed to another woman who is carrying a new life in her womb.
Now it is important to note that I am not saying that all women behave in this way, but does it not occur frequently enough to make you wonder that if the propensity for such actions are there, does it not stand to reason then that the female of the species is truly more deadlier than the male?
Now I do not proclaim to have all the scenarios or all the facts to determine right from wrong.....
But I’m just saying...

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